It is perhaps self evident that in most litigation, one side will usually be very content to win and the other side will generally be more than a little unhappy to lose.
Furthermore, we observe from experience (not necessarily limited to France) that the winning client is often convinced that his case was so strong that he would have prevailed even without a lawyer and that the losing side instead heaps all the blame for losing on its own counsel.
We however are looking instead for balanced comment on particular French lawyers, based in France or elsewhere, you have instructed personally – not only in litigation matters but also equally importantly in regard to advisory work.
Comments should cover such objectively important issues as for example:
- speed and relevancy of response
- quality of written English
- quality of spoken English over the telephone
- area of French law where assistance was requested
- (apparent) knowledge and skills in regard to the legal subject matter
- keeping the client informed
- client care skills generally .
- level of fees
Starting as from March 2013, our new project is to produce an objective table, with three rosettes being the best and three wooden spoons being the worst, of as many French lawyers as we are able to identity for as many fields of French law as we can.
We shall of course be very vigilant in regard to comments received and in the (doubtless very unlikely) event of any attempt by a French lawyer at self-publicising via friends or acquaintances, we shall do our absolute best to weed these out.
Thus, we reserve the right to double check that a person or company submitting comments has in fact formally instructed the lawyer concerned i.e. prior to our making any use of the information provided to us and moreover to ‘out’ (in all senses) anyone attempting to influence unduly this process .
Please would you write to me with your thoughts at webmaster@frenchlaw.com
David Hinchliffe
Webmaster – 2019-2020