French Construction Law
Statutory liability of the ‘constructeur’ at French law
* Legal concept of what constitutes an “ouvrage” or “works”
* Statutory presumption of ipso jure liability
* Possibilities of being exonerated from presumption of liability (force majeure, fait du tiers, faute du maître d’ouvrage)
Special French regime of building construction insurance
* garantie décennale
* garantie biennale
* gestion des sinistres
French law concept of “Réception”
* Réception amiable
* Réception judiciaire
* Effets de la réception
Special French regime for sub-contractors
* Agreement et acceptation des sous-traitants
* Paiement direct
* Action directe
French law concept of “Expertise”
* Expertise assurance
* Expertise judiciaire
Litigation in construction matters in France
* Vital importance of written submissions during pre-trial procedure
* Relative weight of oral advocacy at trial
* Recovery of costs and fees by winning party